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 Clover Coaching


Are you selling yourself short?

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Sensitivity- the gift & challenge

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Coaching for sensitive people

To achieve their maximum potential through coaching, people need to fully trust their coach. For highly sensitive people to do that, the coach needs a greater awareness of and sensitivity to their feelings and unique situation. Here, my sensitivity is an asset. In fact, many of the most effective coaches are, themselves, sensitive people. 

This doesn’t mean sensitive people don’t need powerful coaching – indeed, my clients are surprised and delighted by all they achieve through our coaching. Knowing that they won't feel bruised by me (as some have been by other well-meaning professionals) is the best basis for a potent coaching partnership and the perfect environment for making changes and expanding our self-understanding and comfort zone. 

With coaching we can find ways to reach fulfilment with our sensitivity. I will honour your boundaries but also honour your dreams and coach you to fulfil them, joyfully. 

Business coaching for sensitive people

These days, living the life you want often involves different ways of working. Things like marketing, networking, public speaking and working with others can offer special challenges for sensitive people. The internet can be a way for us to be successful without strain. My background is in using internet for business and I offer specialised coaching for building businesses for sensitive people. 



Contact Clover Coaching -  e-mail or ring 01273 472186