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 Clover Coaching


Are you selling yourself short?

For you ...     

Meet the coach 


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Sensitivity- the gift & challenge

How sensitive are you?

Top 10 tips


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Expanding possibilities blog

Matrix Energetics

The Journey

Book Reviews
success coaching journey brandon bays


Meet the coach - Linda Markley


I have been a professional coach and Journey Therapist since 1999.

Continually seeking the most effective ways to help people, my studies and practice expanded to include Human Software Engineering (Core Dynamics, Wavemaker Coaching), Matrix Energetics, Conscious Systems & psychic development.

In addition to providing me with excellent tools and technologies, this ongoing process deepens my own growth, gives me access to more of my myself and enables me to be more present with and for my clients..


"You are an excellent coach. Your style is so light and flowing that the process happens so easily that its surprising."  Rebecca McDowell, Fairfield, Iowa

"The focus you have given me has made so many changes in such a short space of time ... it has truly been invaluable, a very positive experience ... I hope you are very proud of the work you do …"   Caroline Waller, Lincoln



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