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 Clover Coaching

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Are you selling yourself short?

For you ...     

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E-mail or ring  01273 472186


Sensitivity- the gift & challenge

How sensitive are you?

Top 10 tips


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personal coaching uk

Top 10 things to include on your website 

by Linda Markley, New Therapist, Jan 03

 with (click on title to read):-

  1. Who its for / who you work with

  2. What you offer

  3. How that will benefit them

  4. Proof that you’ve helped people like them with issues like theirs (testimonials, case studies etc)

  5. Who you are (see article)

  6. Credentials (training, qualifications, experience, awards, publications etc.)

  7. Your photo (and your logo, if you have one)

  8. Alternative, easy ways to contact you (email, phone etc)

  9. Your location and accessibility

  10. Information of immediate value to potential clients you meet in the real or virtual world (see getting potential clients to your website)



Contact Clover Coaching -  e-mail or ring 01273 472186